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Nos partenaires

Nous remercions partenaires pour les projets que nous pouvons bâtir ensemble. Si vous souhaiter vous aussi devenir partenaire ou souteneurs, nous vous invitons à envoyer un mail à notre adresse mail de contact.

"Think positive!"

Created in 2004, Autistes Sans Frontières (ASF) is a dynamic association, and a national, militant and positive coordination which carries loud and clear the values of solidarity, humanism and professionalism. 


ASF aims to ensure a dignified and happy life for young people with ASD and to ensure their true integration into society as adults. 

"Providing Respite for All"

The association Tes Vacances Répit 365, specialized in supporting people with mental disabilities, as well as in caring for young people in Childhood Social Assistance, by organizing advanced stays and weekends of respite 

"Think positive!"

Created in 2004, Autistes Sans Frontières (ASF) is a dynamic association, and a national, militant and positive coordination which carries loud and clear the values of solidarity, humanism and professionalism. 


ASF aims to ensure a dignified and happy life for young people with ASD and to ensure their true integration into society as adults. 

Sanea Education

"It is together that we must mobilize for the inclusion of extraordinary young people!"

SANEA Education, is part of the socio-educational and pedagogical sector by allowing the development of

potential of each thanks to innovative educational methods.

To carry out its activity and its missions, SANEA therefore develops socio-educational workshops

adapted to each person with an educational and behavioral approach worked in


"It is together that we must mobilize for the inclusion of extraordinary young people!"

SANEA Education, is part of the socio-educational and pedagogical sector by allowing the development of

potential of each thanks to innovative educational methods.

To carry out its activity and its missions, SANEA therefore develops socio-educational workshops

adapted to each person with an educational and behavioral approach worked in



"Think positive!"

Created in 2004, Autistes Sans Frontières (ASF) is a dynamic association, and a national, militant and positive coordination which carries loud and clear the values of solidarity, humanism and professionalism. 


ASF aims to ensure a dignified and happy life for young people with ASD and to ensure their true integration into society as adults. 

"It is together that we must mobilize for the inclusion of extraordinary young people!"

SANEA Education, is part of the socio-educational and pedagogical sector by allowing the development of

potential of each thanks to innovative educational methods.

To carry out its activity and its missions, SANEA therefore develops socio-educational workshops

adapted to each person with an educational and behavioral approach worked in


Nos souteneurs

Nous remercions nos souteneurs pour leur précieux soutien envers notre association. Grâce à ces organismes, nous pouvons accompagner et soutenir des jeunes  avec troubles du spectre de l'autisme (TSA) au mieux en leur offrant des ressources adaptées et des opportunités d'inclusion. Ensemble, nous construisons un avenir plus équitable pour eux.

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